The dates for the conference will be confirmed once the travel and social restrictions are clearer. The deadline for the submission of abstracts will also be confirmed later. In the meantime, we will hold any abstracts which have already been submitted.
Lacan’s Écrits Conference
Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Hosted by Lacan in Scotland
2020 sees the publication of the third volume of our guide to reading Jacques Lacan’s Écrits. To mark this event, we will be hosting the third Écrits conference in Edinburgh. This follows highly successful conferences in Ghent in 2018 and Pittsburgh in 2019. You are cordially invited to join us for part three.
Conference Chairs
Calum Neill
Organising Committee
Calum Neill, Derek Hook, Stijn Vanheule, Amanda Diserholt, Dany Nobus, Cindy Zeiher, Calum Matheson, Don Kunze, Jamieson Webster
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Guy Le Gaufey, Bernard Burgoyne, Fabio Vighi, Derek Hook, Stijn Vanheule